
Teaching database courses at the Department of Computer Science


Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle JDBC

CASE modelling software

Commerce software

Software available at the server (OS Windows Server). If you want to use it for the education, write the request to address michal.kratky@vsb.cz. Server is available by Remote Desktop Connection.

  • SQL Data Generator - data generator for SQL Server.
  • Stylus Studio - IDE including set of tools for work with XML (XQuery, XML Pipeline, XSLT, XSL:FO, XML Schema/DTD, XPath, and so on).

Access to database servers

  • Connection String pro ODAC:
    • dbsys.cs.vsb.cz: "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=dbsys.cs.vsb.cz)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=oracle.dbsys.cs.vsb.cz)));User Id=xyz;Password=xyz;"
  • Connection String pro MS SQL:
    • dbsys.cs.vsb.cz: "server=dbsys.cs.vsb.cz\STUDENT;database=xyz;user=xyz;password=xyz;"