
Teaching database courses at the Department of Computer Science

Database Systems I


  • The final test will take place on 12.1. 9:00 at EC3.
  • The final tests are planned every Wednesday at 9:00. The room will be specified individualy.

Summary of main documents

Online Tests

You have to pass two tests which will take place directly on a computer during an exercise. The first test will be focused on SELECT queries. The second test will be focused on a database conceptual design and its creation. It is possible to use any materials during the tests (any communication with classmates will be prohibited). The maximum number of points for the SELECT test is 40 and the minimum 20. The maximum number of points for the conceptual modeling test is 20 and a minimum 10. At most two attempts of every test will be possible.  Students are allowed to use any static materials available on the web. They are not allowed to access shared content (email, social networks, forums, online documents, and so on).

Home Project

A home project is focused on data analysis of an information system. The maximum number of points for the home project is 30 and the minimum is 15. One part of the project is focused on the SQL scripts. Before you will upload your SQL scripts into the system, you may test them using the desktop application. We will use this software for the evaluation as well. The link also contains a template of the SQL scripts with the three files. 

1.Lecture slides: Introduction to database systems     Video

Tasks: SQL Basics           
Solutions: SQL Basics

Script: Sakila DB           
Description: Connection to a Sql Server

2.Lecture slides: Relational algebra + SQL I     Video         
Script: Student study subject
Tasks: Join         
Solutions: Join
3.Lecture slides: Aggregations + Task specification     Video   

Tasks: Aggregate Functions and Group By

Solutions: Aggregate Functions and Group By

4.Lecture slides: Subqueries     Video   Tasks: Set Operations and Quantifiers  
Solutions: Set Operations and Quantifiers
5.Lecture slides: Complex SQL Select Queries     Video  

Tasks: Subqueries

Solutions: Subqueries

6.Lecture slides: Conceptual modeling     Video  

Sample first test

Sample first test - solution

7.Lecture slides: SQL DDL and DML      Video 

Regular first test

Regular first test - solution

8.Lecture slides: Indexing      Video 

Tasks: DML&DDL

Solutions: DML&DDL

9.Lecture slides: Functional dependencies      Video Second test
10.HolidaysProject consultations
11.Lecture slides: Normal Forms      Video  
12. Tasks: Functional dependencies
13.Lecture canceledTasks: Normal functions
14.Final test. ExamplesProject presentation