
Teaching database courses at the Department of Computer Science

Introduction to Database Systems


  1. (13.12.) The example questions for the final test are now available here.

Credit conditions

You have to pass two tests which will take place directly on a computer during an exercise. The first test will be focused on SELECT queries. The second test will be focused on a database conceptual design and its creation. It is possible to use any materials during the tests (any communication with classmates will be prohibited). The maximum number of points for the SELECT test is 40 and minimum 20. The maximum number of points for the conceptual modeling test is 20 and minimum 10. At most two attempts of every test will be possible.

Home project

Another part of the credit is a home project which is focused on an data analysis of an information system. The maximum number of points for the home project is 30 and minimum is 15. The detailed description of the project can be found here

The project will be submitted in four steps. Each step has two deadlines. Every student needs to submit some solution before the first deadline in order to be allowed to submit the final version by the second deadline.

  • 27.11. / 4.12., Task specification. (4 points)
  • 4.12. / 11.12., Data analysis. (3 points)
  • 11.12. / 18.12. SQL scripts. (18 points)
  • Last exercise. Project presentation (approx. 3 - 5 minutes) and final project submission. (5 points)
1.Lecture slides: Introduction to database systems
Lecture slides: Relational model
Tasks: Conceptual Data Model, SQL
Script: Customer-Purchase-Product
Description: Connection to a Sql Server
2.Lecture slides: Relational algebra
Lecture slides: SQL I
Script: Student study subject
Tasks: Task understanding
3.Lecture slides: SQL IITasks: SQL I
4.Lecture slides: SQL IIITasks: SQL II
5.Lecture canceledFinnishing the tasks
6.Lecture script: Sample solutionsTasks: Test practise
7.Lecture slides: Conceptual modeling ITest 1 - SQL SELECT statement
Description: Data Model
Script: Person Order Product
Tasks: Sample tasks with solutions
Script: Test tasks with solutions
8.Lecture slides: DDLDMLScript: Airline model
Tasks: DDL, DML
9.Lecture slides: Conceptual modeling IITest 2 - DDL and DML
10.Specification: Project
Lecture slides: Task specification
Approval of project topics
11.Lecture slides: Functional dependenciesSubmission of task specification (27.11.)
12.Lesson canceled

Tasks: Functional Dependencies


13.Lecture slides: Normal FormsTasks: Decomposition

Final test (max 10p/ min 5p)

Examples of questions

Presentation of the project and final submission of project